Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Chalice and the Charger

The Chalice And The charger is now available at this link.

This book was the product of over a year of work. The research and writing that went into it was truly a labor of love. My wife and family, along with many of my friends, made it possible for me to complete this book. If you were following along as I posted the book to this blog, chapter by chapter, thank you for your interest and I hope you purchase the final product.

I can't say enough about They made it possible for this book to be in print.They provide a great opportunity to previously unpublished authors, like me.

This is an exciting story and will take you to places that will leave you scratching you head. If you are a Magibon fan, this book will make you smile and might also bring a little tear to your eye. I promise not to tell if that happens to you.

1 comment:

samh said...

I still haven't recieved my copy and I am excited to get it.